I am a big fan of those tiny paragraphs like "Yet" and "I didn't think so" and "Bail" and "OH. COME ON." RB is a master of them while all the rest of us are going down the long paragraph road and constructing winding complex and convex sentences that meander through the foothills and now I can see how wrong we were to ignore the power of the pause and the petit-paragraph.

"Oh, come on," you say.

No. Really.

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If Marjorie Traitor Goon was forced to apply her single solid sexual skill (according to multiple bits of evidence submitted by her ex-husband in the divorce proceedings) to Trump's widdle "mushroom" (as described by eyewitness Stormy Daniels), even the goonster would scream "Noooooooooooooooo!!"

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"Trump's signature move . . . has been the snubbing of his nose at the canons that others would have him follow." Yeah, pretty sure if he could write he's have written "thumbing". But they probably don't really care at Politico.

I wonder what "canons" he had in mind (no, I'm not curious enough to read whatever drivel he committed to electrons)? Obeying the law? Not stealing state secrets and using them as party favors? Displaying a minimum level of adult behavior? Common decency?

Not that it matters. Every time he does something awful his cult adopts it as normal behavior. Which ought to scare the Beelzebub out of anyone who knows anything about history. Which we obviously don't in this country.

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