Thank you, Roy, for this harrowing history lesson. https://eji.org/

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Thanks for writing this, a friend just told me he has seen masses of graves of black folk in our county…marked only by indentions in the ground. Tobacco was King. John and I enjoyed meeting you and your lovely wife at a party in Hillsborough on Christmas Eve. You are good folks and we wish we knew you better. I just subscribed to sub stack and will keep up with you. As a textile artist and painter wannabe, I deeply admire Joan’s website and her talent. Happy new year to you both.

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Thanks, I need to read this. I don't know how I'll get down there, but I will.

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I don't care how horrible this history tastes! You will eat it and swallow it because it's GOOD for you!

Well, yes, it is as a matter of fact....

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A lovely, if slightly depressing, piece. Thank you.

It looks as though we will need subscriptions in order to read your Garden & Gun stuff. Seriously tempted, to be honest.

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I'm sure G&G would be pleased. It's a good lifestyle magazine, by no means gunlusty. You can find some of my old columns at their website.

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